Principal Designers
evolving the Future!
Creating Wealth, Health & Technology by managing, Facts, Liabilities & Actions.

ICDM are a specialist company of Construction Design and Engineering Professionals.
We focus on up to date advice in the UK and beyond by distilling the hazards and risks to define the liabilities. We have worked on over 2,000 projects ranging in value from £30,000 to £3.5 billion in the following areas;
- Employer’s Agent
- Cost and Project Management
- Energy Consultants
- Principal Designer (Regulatory Compliance)
- Design Coordination (Energy Efficiency, Flexibility)
- Construction Process Management and Occupation
- Bespoke “Specialist Services” in high risk project environments
We manage facts, liabilities and actions in time.

Cause & Effect

By Inspiring Evolution & Success
We believe in forming and maintaining close relationships with clients, contractors and maintenance teams through regular communication. This, together with having the necessary systems in place, ensures that we can give the right information to the right people at the right time – the key to success. We believe in ongoing training, research and development.
The ICDM team is supported by specialist consultants with unique construction, energy and engineering experience. We provide an integrated, complementary and flexible service to suit your projects requirements, operating under ISO9001 (Quality), ISO14001 (Environmental), OHSAS 45001 (Occupational). ICDM fully supports the principles of the Investors in People Standard having been awarded Silver status.

Our projects include: